
D.U. Weapons Dust: With us Forever

Comment by Larry Ross, August 3, 2006

D.U. weapons radiation, being spread by the US and UK in Iraq, and now in Lebanon, has a half-life of 4.5 billion years.
Wind currents will carry it around the world. The more DU weapons are used the more people will become radiated, diseased and die - not just in the countries where it is directly used - but eventually it will contaminate and kill everywhere.. The Pentagon assures everyone it is safe. They are fully aware that they are lying. Without doubt this is one of George Bush's most terrible war crimes.

But Bush believes he is a Christian Fundamentalist doing the work of the Lord. As the Biblically prophesied final Armageddon is coming soon, there is no need to worry about the long-term effects of D.U., Bush thinks. We are all going soon, either to heavenly bliss or an eternal hell. The Bible tells us so. Bush and millions of Fundamentalists believes this is the word of God. They believe God will look after it and will also take care of Global Warming.

As the mass media support Bush lies, and are careful not to question Bush's religious delusions, few people know about the huge long-term threat to the world from D.U. weapons. One way to educate them is to forward this excellent article by Dr Robert Anderson, to friends and networks.



The Global Threat of DU

by Dr Robert G Anderson, August 2, 2006

Adding to the horrors of the current offensive into Lebanon, with Afghanistan close to anarchy and Iraq drifting into civil war, Bush is now rushing depleted uranium (DU) bombs to Israel. This supports their colossal act of homicide and will increase further global contamination by radioactive DU particles.

Laser guided GBU-28 bunker penetration bombs and much of the tank ammunition, such as M829 A1 shells, have DU penetrators built into them. What is even more galling is the likelihood that Rakon NZ probably manufactured the software to guide these obscene weapons.[i]

Although UN reports have stated that the use of the DU weapons is in violation of numerous laws and UN conventions, its use continues. As Dr Doug Rokke, ex-director of the Pentagon’s DU project, said, "We must do what is right for the citizens of the world - ban DU."



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