by Larry Ross, Secretary of the NZ Nuclear-Free Peacemaking Association,   June, 2003




  1. Lies about reasons for the war.
  2. The plot for U.S. Empire
  3. The next U.S. Targets
  4. Lowering the Nuclear Barrier
  5. Stop the spiral toward WW3


1. Lies about the reasons for the War.

The Bush administration never made a credible case for launching a pre-emptive war against Iraq. This war violated the UN Charter, International Law, and the U.S. Constitution. It needlessly maimed thousands of innocent people.

Terrence O’Brien, previous NZ Ambassador to the UN writing in the Christchurch Press 26/06/2003 said, “Iraq does not possess the capability to threaten the U.S.A., U.K., or the World. It had no connection with the September 11/2001 attacks, nor with International terrorist networks”.

U.N. Inspectors did not find any evidence of weapons (WMD) and asked for more time to continue inspections, but the U.S., with U.K.- Australia – Spain (coalition of the willing) refused. They claimed urgent danger of Iraq attack and wanted war immediately.

Only later did Bush add Sadam Hussein’s tyranny to his list of excuses for attacking Iraq. Perhaps this was a bit embarrassing for the U.S. as they sponsored Sadam in 1978 to be Iraq’s dictator. They poured billions of dollars of U.S. aid to arm his regime and support his war against Iran. The U.S. knew all about his tyrannical regime including his murdering and torturing of Iraqis. They did nothing.

Since the war, the U.S. has searched extensively but not found any WMD. Both the U.K. and U.S. blamed their Intelligence Services about Iraq’s WMD. Tony Blair claimed Iraq was ready to launch missiles against Britain in 45minutes; however, the spies wouldn’t swallow that garbage. They mounted an Offensive defending their Intelligence. They said that “Politicians had cooked it- sexed it up- cherry picked it” and altered it and interpreted it to suit their political purposes.

The most damming report was published in the June 8th 2003 U.K. Sunday Herald. The article; “Secret Cabal which spun for Blair”, revealed that; “Britain ran a covert dirty tricks operation designed specifically to produce misleading intelligence that Sadam had weapons of mass destruction, to give the U.K. a justifiable excuse to wage war in Iraq”

Called “Operation Rockingham, it was established by the defence intelligence staff within the Ministry of Defence in 1991, to ‘cherry pick’ intelligence proving an active Iraqi WMD campaign and to ignore and squash intelligence which indicated that Sadam’s stockpiles had been destroyed or wound down”

Scott Ritter former U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector said Rockingham; “was not rogue agents acting without Government backing. This policy was coming from the very highest levels,” he said.

A similar unit was set up in the U.S.A. called the “Office of Special Plans” (OSP) by Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,” to gather Intelligence which would prove the case for war. Former CIA officer Larry Johnson told the Sunday Herald the OSP was dangerous for U.S. national security and a threat to world peace”. He said “ It lied and manipulated Intelligence to further its agenda for removing Sadam” He added,” It’s a group of ideologues with pre-determined notions of truth and reality. They take bits of intelligence to support their agenda, and ignore anything contrary. They should be eliminated. Describing Sadam as an imminent threat to the West was laughable and idiotic” he said. “We’ve entered the world of George Orwell.. The truth has to be told. We can’t allow our leaders to use bogus information to justify war” Intelligence analysts have also “disputed claims by President Bush that two military trailers found in Iraq were bio-weapons labs”.

Bush and Blair have emerged from the War as liars – deceiving fellow politicians- the U.S.Senate-the U.K. Parliament- and their public. They’ve used the apparatus of State falsely, to justify and wage wars that have killed thousands, violated International laws, threatened Nuclear War, and endangered the Planet. Colin Powell and many other officials and administration appointees in both countries are the same. They shouldn’t be allowed to continue to lead, perhaps lying about other States like Iraq to justify more wars. Bush has already stated to do this about Iran, Syria and other States. There are Initiatives to Impeach Blair and Bush, and try them at the International Criminal Court as War Criminals.

It’s very worrying that the land of the free and the brave capitulated so easily to Bush’s torrent of big whapping lies. Only two or three politicians spoke out to expose and oppose Bush. Most big media giants faithfully repeated Bush lies. One reason is that Government public relations employees and political speechwriters are such accomplished deceivers. They knew the right words to make Americans rally around the flag in a mindless patriotic frenzy. Bush enjoyed up to 75% for the war, facilitated by a pliant, co-operative media, and an incredible acquiescence by both Democrat and Republican Politicians. They voted for everything Bush wanted since the much exploited 9/11 attack. There is controversy raging in the U.S. about how much Bush knew about 9/11, and whether he could have stopped it.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mien Campf, (1925 vol. 1,ch.10) that people: “Will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one” It’s incredible that this seams to have happened in the U.S. with unexpected ease. However I dare to think that with the big expose of Bush lies about (a) the non existent WMD, (b) Sadam’s supposed links to Al Qaeda, (c) a supposed imminent threat, (d) creating bogus intelligence to justify war, etc. that the American people will wake up and kick Bush out before he tries to launch another war. Surely he does not think he can get away with more lies and another war to fool the American people into supporting him in the next Election. We are still looking at an increasingly possible nuclear war, which could escalate to oblivion for all. The U.S. people must be made aware of that. This reason alone should be enough to get people to take action. As an American – born Kiwi, I would like to help get these facts and others across to the American people. Everyone may help by supporting U.S. Peace Groups, by lecture tours, interviews, designing and sponsoring ads. For U.S. publications, and writing to U.S. politicians.

Why did Bush do it? Is it oil? Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world, while the U.S. is the biggest oil user and is running out. The U.S. oil oligarchy financially backs Bush during elections. Bush has stacked his administration with oil executives. The rewards from the stolen oil are huge. Contracts to exploit the Iraqi oil have been given to U.S. companies. No doubt the U.K. also wants a share of the plunder. Although oil theft is one of the big reasons, it isn’t the only reason, or even the biggest reason for the war.


The U.S. seems bent on a course of global Empire. There are many indicators. Some from the cabal of neo-conservatives (now highly placed Bush administration officials), that were agitating for a war with Iraq before the 9/11 in2001. They urged Bush to try to pin 9/11 on Sadam and attack Iraq immediately. Several years ago they produced an influential paper called “Project for an American Century”, in which they argued for a war with Iraq as well as using U.S. power to dominate the world. These are the same people who retired CIA Official Johnson, said, and created bogus intelligence to justify war. Other indicators, include enacting fascist style laws to limit U.S. descent and silence opponents; using 9/11 to justify enormous increases in the U.S. defence budget, and more wars, that have little to do with the war on terrorism. Creating a new pre-emptive war ideology followed by the “axis of evil” speech, in which the U.S. created new enemies, is yet another important indicator. It is a major part of the plot to launch new aggressions and expand the Empire under the umbrella justification,” war on terrorism… you are either with us or against us”. Bush also named five other States including Russia and China as harbouring or aiding terrorists, and three crisis situations that the U.S. could use to justify the use of nuclear weapons. The idea of naming nuclear powers such as Russia and China, and threatening to use nuclear weapons against them is incredibly, and madly dangerous. Also, creating the new war doctrines justifying pre-emptive war, and waging war on any other nation named by the U.S. as aiding terrorists, claiming this as an excuse regardless of whether or not they do, and regardless of the U.N. charter, and International laws banning such attacks, lowering the nuclear threshold of potential use of these weapons even against non nuclear states, and creating new nuclear weapons and new manufacturing facilities in violation of the non proliferation treaty, are all strong indicators of U.S. moves toward a global Empire.

Withdrawing from vitally important disarmament treaties such as;(1). The Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, and preparing to withdraw from others;( 2). The Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and (3). Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and (4). Preparing to violate the Outer Space Treaty and dominate space militarily, and thereby the planet, with space weapons and defences, such as the anti missile preparations. There are more indicators but these give some indication of U.S. Imperial plans.


Indications are that Israel’s war against the Palestinians is progressing according to Israel’s plans. That is, to expand Israel’s borders to include most of what is now Palestine, and in which Israel continues to build settlements. There are hundreds of Jewish settlements wedded to the idea that the land that they illegally occupy is theirs. The U.N. has passed many resolutions that the settlements are illegal and should be withdrawn from Palestine land. Israel thumbs its nose at the U.N. while it enjoys the protection and financial aid from the U.S. of about three billion dollars a year. Israel keeps ceasing Palestinian land, bulldozing their homes, occupying more territory, being more oppressive, and assassinating whom they decide are terrorists. It is always with the excuse that these are retaliations against terror, and that terror must be defeated.

The key point to remember is that they shouldn’t be occupying Palestine and establishing illegal settlements in the first place.

Israel has created a situation with severe repressive tactics, which causes Palestine counter attacks, which Israel condemns as terrorism. Israel then uses the provoked attacks as their excuse for their own further attacks, repressions, territorial expansion, and the assassination of Palestinian leaders.

Their plan seems to be on track to keep provoking Palestinian attacks in order to justify their grab for permanent land gains for Israel, while pushing Palestinians out – perhaps to Jordan. The U.S. appears to take a public stand against this with its “road map to peace” plan. Israel pretends to take the road map seriously however; they know the Americans will do nothing significant to enforce it, such as cutting off the three billion U.S. dollars aid, which helps finance Israeli strategy. Although the U.S. would never admit it, the war helps further U.S. plans to extend its Empire in the Middle East. Israel is a long-term U.S. ally. It possesses up to four hundred nuclear weapons according to U.S. estimates. It uses these as a silent threat to intimidate Arab neighbours and facilitate its expansionist plans. They are a threat to the world. Any objection or criticism is termed anti Semitism or anti American.

The Sharon government has a policy of territorial expansion by means of war and deceiving its own and other publics. It seems to work. Every Palestinian reprisal against Israel provides justification for Sharon to go one or two better. That in turn creates more so called Palestinian terrorists, which in turn provide Sharon with ever more terrorist incidents to justify Israel’s territorial expansion. The last thing Sharon’s Israel wants to do is dismantle the settlements and pull out of Palestine as requested by the U.N. They will not abandon their so far successful formula for conquest. The Bush administration seems quite happy to finance and play a leading role in the strategy, while presenting a phony public front by pushing their so called – “road map to peace” plan.


In President Bush’s Axis of Evil speech, he named Iran, Iraq and North Korea as sponsoring terrorism, and making or planning to make WMD and Nuclear weapons. The other doctrines he has enunciated such as pre-emptive war – war against nations he claims are sponsoring terrorism etc; give him the ideological framework to launch wars of aggression, as he did in Iraq. So far, the majority of the U.S. public don’t seem too concerned that it was lied to. The quick victory in Iraq seemed to embolden the U.S. to accuse Iran of links to Al Qeada, terrorism, and preparing to make nuclear weapons. No proof of course. As with the Iraq war Bush did not require proof, and so far he has got away with it. In fact the Bush administration prevented the hunt for W.M.D., as that would have interfered with its pre-meditated war plan of attack. It might have exposed even more Bush lies about Iraq’s alleged WMD. Bush’s main justification – Iraq’s WMD – that his PR people had built up in the American mind, would have collapsed, and been even more exposed as a hoax. So it seems that the U.S. is following its schedule of using war to expand its Empire. It is using its new war doctrines, linked to the alleged war on terrorism as its cover and justification. North Korea has admitted it plans to make nuclear weapons as the U.S. will not agree to a non-aggression pact and will not give NK any guarantee that it will not use nuclear weapons against it. NK is desperately trying to make nuclear weapons in time to deter the U.S. from attacking. The U.S. now has 37 thousand troupes in South Korea, and surrounds NK with nuclear equipped battleships and air bases in SK and Japan. The Pentagon has announced a plan to bomb Ink’s nuclear weapon facilities.

The sheer injustice and double standard of this U.S. stand is mind numbing. It has thousands of nuclear weapons (NW) and is making more, declaring it will use them pre-emptively against any other country, which dares to make a few NW in the forlorn hope of protecting itself. NK says it can already retaliate devastatingly – that Japan would be in flames. However, the U.S. remembers “comical Ali” saying the same things about Iraq if the U.S. invaded. It turned out that there was little resistance. The U.S. might take the risk and soon launch pre-emptive strike to destroy NK’s NW. That would be against the U.N. charter, international law, and the U.S. constitution. It is a gamble that could trigger a major war.

There is another possible strategy. That is for the U.S. to ban meaningful peace talks with NK, allowing its nuclear programme to continue. That will frighten Japan, who may decide to overcome their constitutional barriers and make nuclear weapons, buying into the U.S. anti missile defence system. This will create a bonanza for the military industrial complex in the U.S. It will also help sour relations between Japan and China, which would advantage the U.S. The U.S. sees Japan as an ally against China, which has been in the sights of the U.S. for many years. China was mentioned in the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review, along with war crisis situations (1) in the Korean Peninsula and (2) between China and Taiwan that could justify to them their use of U.S. nuclear weapons. This is a further stimulus for the nuclear arms race in Asia, as is now happening between India and Pakistan. Arms races and war anywhere in the developing world provide a never-ending source of new customers and colossal profits for the world’s number one arms supplier. Profits a major motivating force, and provide the basis for war/peace decisions. In addition arms races and wars in less powerful states, reduce their material and human resources available for economic activity in other fields. These might otherwise compete more successfully with U.S. industrial efforts.

For example: Hyundai has been spectacularly successful in South Korea and world wide, taking sales from established Auto companies. If a new Korean war destroyed many of Hyundai’s manufacturing facilities, that would leave U.S. car manufacturing competitors in a better position. It is important not to overlook war as a tool to be consciously employed for economic reasons. War stimulates the economy – the arms race particularly-, and either erases or sets back, competitors.

The arms industry is based on profit, and that means continued production and expansion. U.S. President Eisenhower in 1960, about the growing power and malignant influence of the “Military Industrial Complex”. Un fortunately it has got much stronger. It is a dominant force in U.S. society today, influencing decisions, and determined to maintain the U. S. position as Arms supplier to the world. The Korean situation is still developing. It’s difficult to predict what strategy the U.S. might use, or how the South Koreans, Japanese and Chinese might react.

Another target mentioned by the U.S. is Syria, blamed for hiding Iraq WMD, sponsoring Hamas terrorism, and other sins. These accusations might be used to justify U.S. attack under the Bush doctrines. Proof is not required and lies can easily be manufactured by U.S. propaganda specialists.

Most worrisome is the U.S. Strategic Doctrine Document that the U.S. feels free to use nuclear weapons in its pre-emptive wars. Terrence O’Brien in the Press Article said it “asserts unchallengeable U.S. military power as the basis for Universal American Dominion in the world”. The Iraq war, promoted by right wing zealots now in power in the U.S., several years before 9/11 attacks, was the first test of America’s new doctrine. Although the U.S. did not have a pretext for using nuclear weapons it said it was prepared to do so if Iraq used WMD (as defined by the U.S.) against U.S. forces. An action like this could have triggered a host of consequences and related wars, including an expansion to world war three.

In the NUCLEAR POSTURE REVIEW (NPR) the U.S. announced the policy of introducing “ battlefield” nuclear weapons into conventional war fighting. Most analysts feel this would result in a rapid growth to the use of large nuclear weapons before events spiral out of control. Another feature of the new nuclear weapons policy is that the U.S. Senate has rescinded a statute so that new research can begin into useable small nuclear weapons now called “bunker busters”. Supposedly these are designed to eliminate the chosen enemies deep underground bunkers, used for command and control functions as well as storage of WMD. The world’s old nuclear barriers, now overturned, reflected in many treaties and understandings are:

  (1) That non-nuclear states would not be attacked with nuclear weapons.
  (2) That nuclear weapons would only be used in extreme situations of self-defence, or
    retaliation against a nuclear attack on the U.S.
  (3) That any nuclear weapons use can very easily escalate out of control to total nuclear war.
  (4) As long as states behave themselves they are safe from attack by larger states.
    They have the U.N. as some measure of protection.

With its new nuclear and war fighting doctrines the U.S. has thrown out these provisions against usage. International treaties are to be violated, such as the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Non Proliferation Treaty, and Anti Ballistic Missiles in Space Treaty. All these important Treaties are Key Stones of international disarmament and stability for which previous U.S. administrations have worked long and hard for over fifty years. With its new pre-emptive war doctrines, the U.S. has demonstrated it is willing to Attack other States without justification, and outside of U.N. approval and International Law, using any justification it wishes, without proof. The U.S. public are conditioned to approve, which so far they have. They are threatened with new draconian laws like the Patriot Act if they don’t approve. The Dixie Chicks are one example of a group pilloried by the Bush Administration for mild criticism of the Iraq war.

This analysis sums up the lowering of the nuclear barriers, as well as the new nuclear threats. These are some of the reasons why some of the critics and long term employees serving for Presidents (see story Press June 18) have left the Bush Administration and criticised it for making the world less secure.


During the Iraq war the world has erupted into millions of people marching in protest. People did not believe the Bush story, hated the lies and injustice of it, feared the wars long-term consequences, and future similar wars against Bush’s other falsely accused States. We know that wars resulting from “accident, miscalculation or madness” as warned by President Kennedy in 1962, and many authorities since, can more easily happen in this volatile atmosphere. If you couple that with today’s more complex situation, the new nuclear weapons and war doctrines, and the hard right regime in Washington, then we have a lethal combination which could bring us closer to a world war three than ever before, as warned by leading anti nuclear war campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicot. As might be expected with a State and Regime caught up in its own momentum, the millions of protesters, including those from the highest levels in the U.S. and allied countries, is like water on a ducks back.

Is there anything we can do? What can we do? I believe we have to act as if humanity is in control of it’s future. Here are a few ideas to consider:


By Larry Ross, Secretary/Founder, NZ Nuclear-Free Peacekeeping Association
Box 18541, Christchurch, NZ.   ph: 03 337 0118

  1. Study the origins of the Iraq war, the new nuclear doctrines and lowered barrier, the US and UK lies, and the threats of new wars.

  2. Write letters-to-the-editor and/or articles exposing the dangers of the current situation, especially the new nuclear threats, the lies, the need for NZ to stay nuclear-free and perhaps play a pro-active or peacemaking role where possible. Copies, perhaps with an accompanying note by you, can be sent to the P.M. the Foreign Affairs Minister, your own MP and others. If your letter is published, clip out a copy, attach the Newspaper and date, and photocopy that for sending to the PM and MP’s. What this does is educate the public and MP’s. It also shows to elected decision-makers, is that an articulate, thinking person has views that reach fellow voters and may influence the way they vote.

  3. Write directly to your MP, the PM, President Bush, the UN Sec. Gen. Etc and others as you think appropriate, etc, giving your views and recommendations. If the PM does, or says something you agree with, then tell her and others in a Letter. Compliments are as important as criticism to encourage more of what you decide is the right actions. Letters on any subject are carefully noted and counted. They help decide politician’s actions.

  4. There are anti-war petitions and letters launched on email or website by peace groups in NZ, the US, or elsewhere for you to sign and support if you agree. It all helps.

  5. Talk about current affairs, wars and threats at smoko and other social situations. This helps educate, and indicates that topics other than sporting, can be of genuine interest and may affect them and loved ones far more than the current sport. Make serious discussion an 'in thing’ instead of a ‘no no’.

  6. Arrange to invite knowledgeable people to speak to your group, or groups, as appropriate. Publicise them if possible.

  7. Help the political candidate in your electorate most likely to support nuclear-free NZ and take an anti-war position – especially if they have a chance of being elected. You may have talents, skills or just time they can use.

  8. Join, or start, a local peace group. Use your time and skills to help them achieve mutual peace objectives.

  9. National and Act parties, the USA, UK and Australia want NZ to reverse or modify its nuclear law, so that US and UK nuclear warships may visit NZ ports. Under the neither confirm-nor-deny US policy, we would never know if, when, or which, warships might be nuclear-armed, or rearmed at any time. Any such visits will tie NZ into the nuclear war infrastructure. If war breaks out, a visiting U.S. or U.K. warship and its NZ port could become a target. Nuclear warship visits to NZ would signal to potential enemies that the ANZUS Alliance was in tact and New Zealand supported U.S. nuclear weapons and war policies. It would also communicate to other states and peoples that New Zealand has abandoned its courageous nuclear free policy and become again a pliant ally of an increasingly dangerous U.S. A. Be sure that your MP understands that, and all the implications, and holds firm with “no change to the New Zealand nuclear free legislation”. Write about it, lobby for it, and visit your MP about it. Our lives, our children’s and grandchildren’s lives may depend on NZ remaining Nuclear Free.

  10. If you can’t afford much time, perhaps because of work pressures, or other commitments, perhaps you can afford to donate to a peace group, generously if possible, because our global future depends on the action taken by concerned people all around the world. Encourage others to extend their efforts. The $ billions fuelling the nuclear arms race, and the deeply entrenched, very rich, right wingers, generously funding the Bush administration, and the enormously powerful industrial complex. These are all reasons why peace budgets, to succeed in their missions, must be much larger than ever before. People must begin to tax themselves for peace as we are now taxed for war preparations, and new weapons. Peace people often have little or no money for their campaigns, and are saddled with the usual responsibilities. They need more generous benefactors who believe that peace work is at least as important as war and weapons work in our nuclear age.

  11. Download this speech, and make copies for others. Forward it and post it on other websites.

  12. The N.Z. Nuclear Peacemaking Association does welcome donations to help us wage our campaigns. Judge us on our record of being an originator and an achiever of the N.Z. nuclear free campaign since 1980. We do have an understanding of the enormous problems, and some practical ideas on what we can do to help reverse the trends toward a nuclear disaster. I did receive a Queen’s Service Medal for my nuclear free work in 1986, and a Christchurch City Council Peace Award in 2002. Funds are used for such essentials as buying ink for our computers, many other office expenses, stamps, paper, petrol, phone and power, travel, and maintenance of our web site:

  13. You may indicate if you wish to consider a regular financial pledge for our work. You will be contacted. Donors, or intending donors who supply their email address will receive regular reports and updates on the use of funds, the International and nuclear situation, and suggestions for action.

  14. Make an immediate statement by ordering some of our “KEEP NZ NUCLEAR FREE” stickers to use on your car and in other locations. The price is $2 each, or $15 for a display of 10. Another way to express our position is to display our full colour ‘NUCLEAR FREE PACIFIC’, sticker. The price is $3 each, and $20 for a display of 10. A full catalogue of Peace Aids will be sent with every order.

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