
Torture is Neo-con Policy

Comment by Larry Ross, September 19, 2006

Torture is part of the strategy of the Neo-conservative Bush regime.
They know very well that it does not produce reliable intelligence. The reasons are given by Paul Craig Roberts in his article which follows. So why do they do so much of it, thus besmirching the U.S. reputation., US Constitution and the Geneva Accords?

Because it serves an important part of their overall strategy

  1. To make enemies who hate and will retaliate against the U.S. thus providing validation and justification for the Bushcon "wars on terror"
  2. It is part of the strategy to create hatred and suspicion of Muslims among the American and world publics - again to provide fertile ground for more phoney "wars on terror".
  3. To condition the American people to accept the techniques of a Fascist Bush regime and to put aside American traditions of (a) a fair trial (b) innocent until proven guilty (c) access to legal representation and evidence of the charges for the accused.
  4. Bushcon plans call for US domination of the Islamic Middle East states and oil resources. To do this they must create the right conditions. That includes provoking hostile reactions from Muslim nations, groups and individual Muslims. Every such reaction is an opportunity for Bush and his cronies to claim 'proof' of terrorism and then go on to wage their endless "wars on terrorism"
  5. The more such wars go on, expand and the violence increases, the better the Bushcon strategy works. A general war, like a 'Holy' war or medieval Crusade against the Muslim world seems to be one of the objectives of the Bush regime. This would ensure and consolidate their power and their successors for the indefinite future. So long as the mass media keep repeating the lies and other false justifications and erroneous interpretations, the Bushcons could succeed. If opposition remains weak, lacks commitment and is poorly informed, most people wont know the truth and will accept new lies to justify new wars.
  6. From a war on Iraq, falsely justified by Bushcon lies claiming terrible threats from non-existent WMD, non-existent nuclear weapons, non-existent links to Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and the 9/11 attack, Bush graduated to the more general "wars on terror". 
  7. Although all his false claims evaporated, Bush continues his war under the heading of "wars on terror" where no terrorist activity existed before. In fact he made a breeding ground for terrorism in Iraq by his illegal, unjust and extremely barbarous war killing over 250,000 Iraqis so far. He has authorised false imprisonments, shaming and torturing innocent Iraqis. This of course creates hate and motivates retaliation against the U.S. oppressor and occupier.
  8. Again these tactics, including torture, produce retaliation which Bushcons claim is hard evidence of "terrorism" and therefore justify their endless wars.
  9. Most Americans do not seem to understand how this fascist-type of technique works. In fact they often repeat false Bush accusations and assumptions. Most mass media in the U.S. and elsewhere co-operate in supporting and justifying Bushcon phoney "wars on terror". Almost every lie, false assumption and false reasons for U.S. actions are portrayed as reasonable and honest, by the U.S.  mass media conglomerates and their media partners overseas, such as in New Zealand .
  10. In countries such as New Zealand , the people are kept in a bubble of ignorance about what is really happening and the horrific consequences that are to be expected from the Bush neocon plans and actions. As their primary function is to act as pro-war propagandists, the mass media will never tell you about such things.
  11. As Hitler, Mussolini and other dictators have found, fascist techniques, lies, 'false flag' covert operations etc do work. As Hitler wrote "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it." As long as the mass media play along and they portray the lie as 'truth', Hitler's teaching works. Huge populations of millions of people can be converted and can be controlled to make war and serve the interests, fantasies and goals of a corrupt leadership regime. The Nazis proved that and almost won their World War II.

    The Bush regime is proving that Hitler's lesson can work for them.
  12. The fundamental difference between previous dictators and the Bush regime, is that they did not have the ultimate means of achieving global power and annihilating all opposition. Bush does with his huge arsenals of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.
  13. With his Sept 11 speech, Bush indicates that he is determined to go all the way and use whatever it takes to impose his control of what's left of the planet. He says, we are only at the beginning of his endless wars on terrorism, and he has raised his false and phoney ideology from "wars on terror" to wars to save our civilization.
    It is fashionable to dismiss Bush and his cronies as deluded, maniacal, Christian Fundamentalist religious nuts, plain stupid, etc. Unfortunately he means every word and can enforce every delusion. He has the nuclear means to enforce the Bushcon delusions on the world. And if that results in a nuclear Armageddon, then Bush as a Fundamentalist Christian can say that's 'God will', as expressed in the Biblical teachings about 'End Times' and a final battle of Armageddon.
  14. In New Zealand it is very,very difficult to provide people with the truth about what's going on and what to expect. Most of the population just keep on 'business as usual' and getting on with the many pressures of a normal life and job. Because the truth is so different and so alarming from the nonsense served up by their mass media, most people either dismiss it in many different ways, or won't even consider it. They often condemn the messenger, rather than consider the proofs of what the messenger says.

Although people may have time for a myriad of other pursuits, they often have no time or inclination to look at unsavoury facts that might threaten them, their lifestyle, their children and future generations.

That is why I, and a few others in New Zealand  try to get the message to you, by email, by lecture tour and through our web site while there is still time.




War Criminal at Bay

By Paul Craig Roberts, September 18, 2006

President George Bush, betrayed by the neoconservatives whom he elevated to power and by his Attorney General, Torture Gonzales who gave him wrong legal advice, is locked in a desperate struggle with the Republican Congress to save himself from war crimes charges at the expense of America's reputation and our soldiers' fate.

Beguiled by neoconservatives, who told him that the virtuous goals of the American empire justified any means, and misled by an incompetent Attorney General, who told him that the President of the US is above the law, Bush was deceived into committing war crimes under Article 3 of the Geneva Convention and the US War Crimes Act of 1996. Bush is now desperately trying to save himself by having the US Congress retroactively repeal both Article 3 and US law.

Under the US Constitution retroactive law is without force, but desperate men will try anything.

President Bush has given no thought to the impact on America's reputation of his strident campaign to write torture into US law. He has given no thought to what saving himself means for captured US troops if the US government guts Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.




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