Doomsday Climate Scenarios Comment by Larry Ross, November 17, 2006
The effects of climate change is "one of the most serious threats humanity will ever face" said Vice President Moody, aware to the UN Conference on Climate Change at Nairobi on Nov 16, 2006. Greenland 's ice mass is melting at "what the N.A.S.A calls a dramatic rate of 41 cubic miles per year" and "extreme drought could eventually affect one third of the planet". "Emissions of all industrialized countries declined by 3.3 percent between 1990 and 2004, while U.S. emissions grew by almost 16%". The U.S. is already responsible for "25 percent of global emissions". However as the authors of the following article point out, the annual U.S. spending for "research energy and development has fallen from $7.7 billion in 1979 to just $3 billion in the current budget." In contrast U.S. "funding for military research has increased 260 percent to $75 billion a year". Unfortunately for all of us, that's where their heart is - deeply embedded in the military-industrial complex (MIC) and it's insatiable appetites. The U.S. is the world's largest exporter of weapons. Total World expenditure for military has never been higher, at one trillion dollars a year. Remember when they said the cold war was over, communism was defeated and now we can expect a 'peace dividend? Forget it - a new enemy was created, just in time to prevent a weapons slump. We now have the prospect of "endless wars on terrorism" with gargantuan endless profits for MIC. The article believes the new Democratically-controlled 109th Congress may do more to address the growing crisis. I think there will be endless talk, lots of resolutions, endless window-dressing, but little serious action on the climate change crisis. The main culprits are the Bush Administration and some of its disciples, such as John Howard's Australian government. Bear in mind that the Bush Regime still have two years to inflict more damage and wars on the planet. They can even start a pre-emptive war on Iran and make it nuclear under the new Bush nuclear doctrines, as is revealed in many of our website articles under "U.S. War on Iran & Syria ". That could easily grow into a global doomsday war that could kill off most, if not all life. No wonder the Bush regime is not too worried about the effects of global warming. Their main agenda is the so-called 'war on terror' and the Iraq war. Behind that is the neoconservative plan for U.S. global domination which has become the driving ideology of the Bush Administration and it's next step - War on Iran . Most Democratic politicians appear to have bought into the myths, wars and strategies spun by the Bush Administration. They faithfully repeat all Bush lies and false assumptions. Any changes under the Democrats are likely to be cosmetic, and avoid real issues. The following quote by Henry Adams, used by Gore Vidal and republished by ICH, illustrates this point. Quote sent from Information Clearing House (ICH) More 'Profound Quotes' on this site.
USA: Wanted for Crimes Against the PlanetCenter for American Progress,
November 16, 2006,