A SANE US NUCLEAR WEAPONS POLICY by US Scientists, Physicians, Weapons Experts - May, 2003 To: Interested Persons Attached is a recent report "Toward Nuclear Sanity; A Response to 'Differentiation and Defense: An Agenda for the Nuclear Weapons Program.'" It was written by Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, Arms Control Association, British American Security Information Council, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Peace Action Education Fund, Physicians for Social Responsibility, 20/20 Vision, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Women’s Action for New Direction. The House Policy Committee recently published a proposal for U.S. nuclear policy, entitled, “Differentiation and Defense: An Agenda for the Nuclear Weapons Program” (February 2003). On the whole, that report proposed a dangerous, aggressive and counterproductive policy that would increase the likelihood of nuclear proliferation while doing little to increase U.S. security. (Note that, despite its non-partisan name, the House Policy Committee is a Republican Party organization.) "Toward Nuclear Sanity" provides a response to key proposals and concepts in Differentiation and Defense. Some sections, on Homeland Defense and Preventing Proliferation, are largely non-controversial and not included here, but most sections get detailed responses. "Toward Nuclear Sanity" does not provide a comprehensive proposal for U.S. nuclear policy, but that policy should undoubtedly include:
The report is also posted at http://www.fcnl.org/pdfs/wilson_final.pdf David Culp, Legislative Representative |