
Bible Used To Justify Evil
Christian Zionism and Israel

Comment by Larry Ross, October 30, 2006

The following essays provide insight into the growth and power of U.S. Christian Zionism, its influence on U.S. foreign policy, and the influence of Israel on U.S. policy. It is very powerful, very irrational and leading humanity toward what it sees as a Biblical prophecy of End Times. It is utterly immoral and cruel toward its Palestinian victims, as it believes they are occupying land given by God to the Jews a few thousand years ago. They believe that any action to help bring about End Times and the return of the Messiah, is justified as it helps implement God's will. It is a growing insanity of righteous self-destruction that believes that if some kind of heavenly Armageddon turns our planet into a fiery hell, the chosen  believers will be raptured to a heavenly paradise. In the past these types of cult beliefs come and go and the world carries on. Today it's different. Israeli and U.S. policies are very much influenced by the power of millions of these true believers who want God's 'End Times'. Today's version of primitive man is in power and has the means to make the planet into their religious vision of a fiery Armageddon.

See also my article posted February 12, 2005 on the same subject: Here




Israel's scandalous siege of Gaza

By Patrick Seale

The killing continues on a daily basis - by tank and sniper fire, by air and sea bombardment, and by undercover teams in civilian clothes sent into Arab territory to ambush and murder, an Israeli specialty perfected over the past several decades.




Christian Zionism: An Egregious Threat to U.S. - Middle East Understanding

By The Council for the National Interest

Christian Zionism, a belief that paradise for Christians can only be achieved once Jews are in control of the Holy Land, is gathering strength in the United States and forging alliances that are giving increasingly weird shape to American policy toward the Middle East.




The Armageddon Lobby

Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of US Policy Towards Israel-Palestine

By Rammy M. Haija

With nearly 10 per cent of US voters declaring themselves as Zionist or dispensationalist Christians, and another 35 per cent constituting mainstream Christianity, the Christian Zionist lobby has targeted both voting pools for its purpose of assembling a pro-Israel constituency among American voters through the promotion of biblical and dispensationalist doctrine.



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