
Last Action Alert: 
The Full Senate Will Debate, And Then Vote On, Alberto

Gonzales' Appointment As US Attorney General On Wednesday, 2-2-05!

from Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.

Dear Friends:
Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed US Attorney General appointee Alberto Gonzales by a party-line vote of 10 to 8.  That means the SJC's ten Republicans ignored a flood of telephone calls coming from the public.  Of course, it also means that we, the people, succeeded in pressuring the SJC's eight Democrats to take a principled stand against the man who laid the groundwork for torture at Abu Ghraib! 

However, it's not over yet!  This Wednesday, the Gonzales appointment will be debated on the floor of the Senate (and possibly televised live on C-SPAN2).  Immediately following that debate, the full Senate will vote to confirm or reject him. 

As you know, the Senate's current composition is 55 Republicans, 44 Democrats, and one Independent.  Therefore, we can defeat Mr. Gonzales' appointment only if we convince 51 Senators -- every Democrat, one Independent, and six Republicans -- to vote "no."

And that's why it's crucially important that we continue our lobbbying efforts!  If we, the people, vigorously pressure our US Senators from today through Wednesday morning, we just might succeed in convincing: (A) all 44 Democrats to unite against torture's advocate; and (B) at least six principled Republicans to vote according to their conscience instead of rubber-stamping this terribly ill-considered appointment.

Finally, please see section A below for three easy ways to contact your US Senators.  And if any reader somehow remains undecided, please see section B below for 30 recent articles opposing USAG appointee Gonzales!

A. 3 Easy Ways To Urge Your Senators To Vote Against Alberto Gonzales
1. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 (9-5 EST) and ask to be connected to your Senator's office.  Every state has two US Senators; please call both! 
2. E-mail a prepared message (which can be modified) from this Leadership Conference on Civil Rights website: http://lccr.convio.net/site/R?i=ucESAhsFzickkXtYQtUwLw

3. E-mail a prepared message (which can be modified) from this Alliance For Justice website:  http://capwiz.com/afj/mail/oneclick_compose/?alertid=6841271

B. 30 Recent Articles Opposing USAG Appointee Alberto Gonzales
1.  UV Professor Huck Gutman's 1-26-05 CD essay, "Speedy Gonzales And The Rule Of Law": 
2. The Capital Times' 1-26-05 CD/CT editorial, "The Gonzales Nomination: Feingold's Key Vote": 
3. Human Rights Watch's 1-26-05 CD article,"US Justifying Abuse Of Detainees [Through Torture Advocate Alberto Gonzales]":   http://www.commondreams.org/news2005/0126-05.htm
4. Frank Davies' 1-26-05 CD/KR article, "Torture Treaty Doesn't Bar 'Cruel, Inhuman' Tacics, Gonzales Says":
5. Daily Kos' 1-25-05 DK editorial, "No On Gonzales," at:
6.  The Capital Times' 1-25-05 CD/CT editorial, "Feingold Should Rethink":
7. Jonathan Schell's 1-20-05 CD essay, "What Is Wrong With Torture":
8. Eric Mink's 1-12-05 St. Louis Post-Dispatch essay, "War On Terror: Grabbing Power, Losing Respect":
9. Thom Hartmann's 1-11-05 CD essay, "First They Came For The Terrorists":   
10. Ted Rall's 1-12-05 CD/TR essay, "The Normalization Of Horror: American Gulags Become Permanent":  http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0112-35.htm
11. Marie Cocco's 1-12-05 CD/Newsday essay, "Democrats' Fury And Values Go AWOL": 
12. D. Lindley Young's 1-10-05 TMT essay, "Above The Law or Outside It: The Legal Limits Of Torture":
13. Andrew Sullivan's 1-9-05 TO essay, "Bush's New Sheriff Reveals A Double Standard for Torture": 
14. Dick Meyer's 1-8-05 CD essay, "Senate Democrats: Advise & Rubber Stamp":
15. Minneapolis Star-Tribune's 1-7-05 CD editorial, "Alberto Gonzales Has Blood On His Hands": 
16. New York Times' 1-7-05 editorial, "Mr. Gonzales Speaks":
17. Bob Herbert's 1-7-05 NYT essay, "Promoting Torture's Promoter":
18. FP Law School Dean & Admiral John Hutton's (USN-Ret.) 1-6-05 Jurist essay, "Against Gonzales": 
Also see Yale Law Dean Harold Koh's 1-6-05 "Testimony To The SJC" (download it at this URL): 
19. Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern's 1-6-05 CD essay, "It's Not Only Illegal, It's Wrong":
20. FC Law Professor Brian Foley's 1-6-05 CP essay, "Supporting Torture Is Not Gonzales' Worst Sin: A Contempt for Civil Rights": http://www.counterpunch.com/foley01062005.html
21. Jim Lobe's 1-5-05 CD article, "50 Civil Rights Groups Express Concerns About Alberto Gonzales' Civil Rights Record":
22. Evan Augustine Peterson III's 1-5-05 VH essay, "Unfinished Business: Confirming Bush's USAG Appointee Is Unthinkable": http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=24173
23. The Nation's 1-5-05 TN essay, "Oppose The Gonzales Nomination":
24. Robert Scheer's 1-5-05 CD/LAT essay, "Backing Gonzales is Backing Torture": 
25. Maria Blanco's 1-2-05 SFC essay, "Not In My Name: Latino Appointee Does Not Appeal": 
26. Daily Kos' 12-28-04 essay, "Why We Must Oppose Alberto Gonzales For AG":
27. Nat Hentoff's 12-3-04 TO/VV essay, "Alberto Gonzales, Torture & Death":
28. Evan Augustine Peterson III's 11-30-04 NFNZ essay, "Why The USA Must Reject Bush's 'Marquis De Sade' Nominee For Attorney General": http://nuclearfree.lynx.co.nz/gonzales.htm
29. UIUC Law Professor Francis Boyle's 11-18-04 CP essay, "War Criminal For Attorney General?":  http://www.counterpunch.org/boyle11182004.html 
Also see the related "Nüremberg Principles" -- and especially Principle VII: 
30. Bernard Weiner's 6-15-04 CP essay, "No Other Way To Say This: Torture Memos Reveal Fascist Mentality":  http://www.crisispapers.org/essays/fascist.htm

With Heartfelt Gratitude To Everyone Who Makes Those Calls & Sends Those
E-Mails To Their Senators Today Through Wednesday Morning,

Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.
Executive Director
American Center for International Law ("ACIL")

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