
The Shocking Truth – Nuclear War With Iran

NZ Public Lecture Tour during Sept-Oct-Nov 2006


Larry Ross drives north from Christchurch to Golden Bay, Nelson, Marlborough area, then ferries to Wellington, then drives up the west side of NZ to Auckland and points north in Sept-Oct. In Nov he drives back to Christchurch down the east side of NZ. A tentative itinerary showing proposed exact dates and cities that could be included for a visit is available and may be adjusted to suit you. Larry can stay for a day or more, depending on talk bookings. Lecture hosts or groups supply accommodation, meals, talk venues and local organising. Larry can provide posters for talks, with date, venue location and times to your specifications. 

Inquiries to book a talk are invited. Talks can be any length from 5 minutes to one hour long, tailored to suit school classes, assemblies and others, or up to an hour for evening public talks. They can be like the shocking summary below, or more general without these really controversial revelations.

Or they can be a more detailed talk which includes the urgency of keeping New Zealand's nuclear free independence and how easily we could lose that asset, and it's present multiple benefits to New Zealand.  What a global nuclear war is and why many experts like Dr. Helen Caldicott think nuclear war is more likely with the Bush Administration than it ever was before. What nuclear war would mean to the world and to New Zealand, and how we almost had this happen several times. How New Zealand might survive a global war, so long as we don't change policy and become a direct target. Why New Zealand is more likely to survive a nuclear war if we become a 'Red Cross' neutral type of nation that helps and gives medical and other aid to any survivors of any race or creed from any nation - within our limited capabilities. How these can be increased if the international community recognises New Zealand's potential contribution and helps us expand our humanitarian capabilities.  We are already establishing a reputation for humanitarianism and impartial, skilled peacekeeping and peacemaking that is appreciated and valued by the international community and the United Nations. This role can be expanded into new fields before any global war disaster, which our new services might help prevent. Governments spend many billions, even trillions on weapons and war making apparatus, but only a tiny amount on war prevention and peace making. I'll explain this suicidal behaviour. So New Zealand could set an example - a 'beacon of hope' and diligent peace work in an increasingly threatened world. We could generate pro-active international peacemaking assignments, conflict anticipation and prevention and conflict resolution and a far more sophisticated strategy of reducing and defusing terrorism. Although our initial investment in peacemaking could be small the earning potential and spin-off benefits could become very large as others employ our peacemaking services. Also, global survival is at stake, so investment in peace and war prevention is like a new form of insurance that is priceless. Pointless worry and sitting idly by while nations invest increasingly in evermore sophisticated weapons and war making is not the answer for New Zealand or any other nation that wants human survival into a future sustainable, stable and peaceful world.  For a new, very informative, valuable, mind-expanding pioneering experience, book a talk by Larry, a veteran of international peacemaking and New Zealand's Nuclear Free Zone campaigning, to speak with you.

Contact details:
email   nuclearfreenz@lynx.co.nz;

You can find out more about our concerns and actions and see informative articles through our website: http://www.nuclearfree.org.nz




The Shocking Truth – Nuclear War With Iran

The Talk in Cathedral Square, Christchurch (6/5/06)

by Larry Ross, revised July 13, 2006


The truth is often stranger and much more alarming than fiction. Tell me if you think I'm wrong but here is a summary of the truly shocking points that I found derived from prestigious writers on the Internet.

People with impeccable credentials have written that the so-called terrorist attack on New York and the Pentagon on Sept 9, 2001 was an inside job. Also, that the so-called al-Qaeda terrorists were really pawns in a much bigger conspiracy, organised by the Bush Administration to create a new enemy and justify their global crusade and wars against terrorism. The illegal U.S.-U.K. invasion, continuing occupation, mass bombing and killing of an estimated 250,000 Iraqis is one example. The Bush Administration has plans to make Iran the next target. 

The Bush regime is building an empire and their objective is global domination, as detailed in PNAC Neo-Conservative Think Tank papers. Written several years before 9/11 they're now the Bush Administration's real policy administered by the Neo-Conservative writers who are now Bush Administration officials. These people, previously known in Washington as extremists or “The Crazies” are now in charge. For the first time in history, power-crazed leaders can destroy humankind. 

Demolition experts who have studied the 9/11 videos, structural engineers, eye-witnesses such as policemen, firemen and many others, say that the Twin towers were demolished on 9/11 from carefully planted explosives in the buildings, not from the aircraft which flew into them. Their testimony is on our website. That revelation alone is enough to torpedo the Bush Administration lies about 9/11. But there's so much more it's mind-boggling.

People and groups in the U.S. believe that the Bush Administration committed this dastardly crime, to create a new enemy, enflame and terrify the American people and gain their support to launch his new crusade – an endless “war against global terrorism”. After 9/11, Bush started with lie and distortion-based phoney wars against Afghanistan, then Iraq. Soon it will be wars against Iran and other Islamic countries using similar neocon tactics that worked so well. The U.S. has plans to make it nuclear, so it could easily escalate to global catastrophe if their nuclear plan is implemented. Articles by respected top-level Republicans testify that this is Bush's horrific plan.
Top Republican Claims Bushcons Organised 9/11 Attack )

Check them out on http://www.nuclearfree.org.nz

9/11 was a huge, complicated, carefully orchestrated plan, far too big for Bin Laden, who denies involvement. He would have been detected, stopped and punished. He is even off the FBI's "Most Wanted" list.

How do you think the Bushcons will justify a war, even nuclear war, against Iran? Iran has no nuclear weapons according to the IAEA UN inspections, but has a legal right to enrich uranium for power under the NPT treaty. It is surrounded by U.S. bases, the U.S. navy and Israel, who have thousands of nuclear weapons ready to launch. They could annihilate Iran. Yet Americans have been media-conditioned to fear and hate Iran, believe all Bush's false accusations and justify any U.S. military actions. Like Iraq, Iran is next. The Bush neocon administration is likely to duplicate a proven strategy that worked to con Americans into supporting Bush's Iraq war, to get their support for a war with Iran.

Non-nuclear Iran would have to be accused of a very big crime, for people to approve of a nuclear attack against them.

Another phoney ‘terrorist' attack like 9/11, as the senior Republicans claimed, could be that crime. Independently of the Republicans, an ex-CIA officer said any such attack would be blamed on Iran– even though Iran had nothing to do with it. The Bush regime will use their new attack to justify a war on Iran, as it falsely used the 9/11 attack to justify a war on Iraq. It's so diabolically evil that people may find it very hard to believe unless they study and assess the data. Although it may upset, anger and make people fear for the future, many will want to help prevent a global nuclear catastrophe.

Further serious crimes against the American people and Constitution are that Bush stole the 2000 Presidential election, and then the 2004 election according to an article in Rolling Stone by Robert Kennedy, nephew of past-president John F. Kennedy. For electoral conspiracy and fraud, and for his lies to fool them into supporting his war on Iraq, millions of Americans want Bush impeached. The 9/11 conspiracy and plan to blame Iran for another terrorist attack on the U.S. do not need to be used to indict Bush and his neocons. So brain-dead pleas to: 'stop-thinking-conspiracy-theories' do not apply.  

The Neocon paper said “a new Pearl Harbour” is needed to enflame and frighten the American people, in order to get their support for the wars to come. 9/11 was their first Pearl Harbour. Called a terrorist attack the story was originally believed and used ever since to justify two wars and Bush's expanding ‘Global War On Terror'. The planned attack on Iran is a part of the plan. Most media repeated Bush Iraq war lies. The allied Western media are doing it again with Iran. 

Adolph Hitler wrote: “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.” This works today with the American people as it worked for Hitler to get popular support for World War II and 50 million dead. The German media repeated the lies then, as Western media repeats Bush lies and pro-war propaganda today, but with greater skill and sophistication.

The truth about this colossal conspiracy, the largest in history, is well covered in various sites on the Internet. Assess the details yourself, search on "Google". My more detailed talk on a ‘WAR IN IRAN will be given on a Sept/Oct/Nov 2006 lecture tour of NZ. It can be booked by email at nuclearfreenz@lynx.co.nz . Details are on a ‘WAR WITH IRAN' poster on our website. You can also sign the New York petition to “STOP THE WAR ON IRAN” on the site or during my tour. I'll speak to groups in greater detail on this and related issues, such as New Zealand's Foreign Policy revolution, keeping NZ Nuclear Free, other nuclear threats and related issues. My New Zealand phone is 03-337-0118.

If National wins the next election, they will probably accept Bush lies, support American wars with NZ troops, and help build the new American Empire as Australia and Britain are now doing. They will scrap our nuclear-free policies “by lunchtime” said Don Brash, and accept US nuclear warships. In the past NZ people have always loyally fought in foreign wars beside our allies. With pro-war media conditioning and repetition of Bush lies, New Zealanders might be led to do it again.

It's time to educate and alert the NZ public so as to prevent this scenario, preserve our nuclear-free policies and independence and help prevent a catastrophic war. You can help in small or big ways. You can forward this article, inform others, book and organise a talk, display a Nuclear Free NZ sticker, sign the New York ‘Stop the War on Iran' petition and the volunteer form, contribute a donation to help make possible our campaign and tour, etc.

For information and verifying articles on the above see: http://nuclearfreenz.org.nz and search on "Google" for your own related topics.

Please forward this article to others who might be interested and who may like to hear a talk on the potential ‘NUCLEAR WAR WITH IRAN'.    


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