
U.S. Smokescreen Is To Prepare
Justifications To Attack Iran

Comment by Larry Ross, June 7, 2006

As analysed by Mathew Rothschild, the U.S. has mobilized European allies to create a diplomatic smokescreen and rationale for justification to attack Iran, just as the U.S. did to justify attacking Iraq in 2003.

The key points, not covered in mass media articles are:

  1. UN inspectors reported they found no evidence of nuclear weapons or preparations to make such weapons in Iran. Thus there is no grounds for accusations by the Bush regime, that Iran is preparing to make nuclear weapons.
  2. Under the conditions of the NPT, Iran has a legal right, and a sovereign right to enrich uranium as fuel for their nuclear reactors. As every nation  has this right, there is no reason to give up this right and no reason for other nations like the U.S. and it's allies, to demand that Iran give up this right because of their false accusations.
  3.  The idea that Iran might become a significant nuclear threat to the U.S., Israel or other nations, is absurd. Both the U.S. and Israel each have enough nuclear weapons to totally destroy Iran and it's population. Thus Iran could never become a nuclear threat even if it did manage to make a few nuclear weapons.
  4. The U.S. and Israel surround Iran with nuclear weapons and warships, and make repeated war threats against Iran. Yet they are able to fool some people into believing that they have some kind of right to make these irrational demands on Iran. They accuse it of being a nuclear threat today or maybe tomorrow, even though Iran has no nuclear weapons and the U.S. and Israel have thousands of nuclear weapons.
  5. There are 8 or 9 nuclear weapons states, and the risks of a nuclear war by accident, miscalculation, madness or intention is  greater today than ever before . The most urgent task in the world today is to reduce this threat. The U.S., it's allies, and the mass media deliberately avoid this issue, and the catastrophic consequences for humanity if  a nuclear catastrophe happens.
  6. With it's new nuclear war doctrines of (a)sudden, undeclared surprise nuclear attack which the U.S. calls "pre-emptive nuclear war" and (b)proclaiming their intention to introduce nuclear weapons into a conventional conflict, the U.S. has abandoned international disarmament and arms control treaties. These doctrines make nuclear war more likely, make other nations feel less secure and give other nations strong reasons to consider making  their own nuclear weapons. 

These important considerations are generally avoided in most mass media articles dealing with these issues.




Rice's Iranian Ruse

by Matthew Rothschild, June 1, 2006


We've seen this play before, haven't we?

You know, the one where the Bush Administration pretends to be interested in a diplomatic solution but is really trying to get its ducks in a row for going to war?

This is the very same ruse that the Administration wheeled out in the months leading up to the Iraq War, and some of the language is identical.

Bush said many times that Saddam Hussein faced a clear choice: to back down or face the consequences.

Condoleezza Rice, in appearing to offer an opening for negotiations with Iran, said the same thing at her May 31 press conference. “The Iranian government's choices are clear,” she said. And if it makes the wrong choice, “it will incur only great costs.”

Thus does the Bush Administration put the onus on those it intends to attack.



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