
Psychoanalysts for Peace and Justice

Because we know the destructiveness
that resides in each of us, we know
the importance of not letting it
destroy what we hold dear...

A member organization of United for Peace and Justice

We are psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically-informed citizens united for peace and justice. We have gathered, in opposition to the pending Iraq war, with the goals of participating as psychoanalysts and citizens in the broader peace and justice movements and of bringing our psychoanalytic insights to bear on the critical social issues that confront our country and our world today.

Psychoanalysts for Peace and Justice Documents and Resources

The first Psychoanalysts for Peace and Justice public forum, The Psychodynamics of Empire was conducted on February 6th at the Friends Meeting House in Cambridge, MA. Speakers: Stephen Soldz: Security, Terror, and the Psychodynamics of Empire [This talk has been posted on at least three major web sites: ZNet; Information Clearinghouse; & Global Policy Forum]; Stephen Price: The Role of Sacrifice; Jane Snyder: Power and Paranoia. You can listen to the Forum Introduction in which I describe the origins of Psychoanalysts for Peace and Justice. [More of the forum available soon!] [the forum was co-sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Violence of the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis.] (POSTED: December 16, 2003. MODIFIED February 7, 2004)

PPJ's Stephen Soldz will conduct a workshop on The Psychodynamics of War and Empire at the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Friday, May 14, 7-9pm. (POSTED: December 16, 2003)

IRAQ Occupation and Resistance Report a site developed by Stephen Soldz of PPJ. It is dedicated to documenting the US occupation of Iraq, and the Iraqi resistance to it.

Iraq Antiwar Resources, an extensive list developed by Stephen Soldz of PPJ. It contains many links for those seeking to educate themselves on the background of the current situation, understand what led up to it, and the inter-war situation in Iraq, as the war against the US occupation begins. Also contains links to antiwar music and video and contacts for major peace organizations. All you need to get started in one place! And its constantly growing!

Where is the US Headed? , a PPJ site devoted to broader reflections on where the US is headed, economically, in terms of foreign policy, psychologically, and spiritually.

Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (BGSP) Speakout on the War Flyer. Now of historic interest. Where PPJ started.

Perspectives on Current Events: War, Peace, and Theft

New York Times reporter Chris Hedges is a reformed war correspondent who is intimately familiar with the intoxication of war. He portrays this in beautiful yet haunting prose in his award-winning book War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning, which discusses war in terms of the struggle between life and death forces. It ends with a chapter that should be of special interest to psychoanalysts: Eros and Thanatos. You can hear an interview with him on The Connection: War as Addiction. You can read an article about his work by Tom Roberts in the National Catholic Reporter: Seeing through the lie that is war. He was booed off the stage and had his microphone cut at a commencement speech at Rockford College in Illinois, May 21st, 2003. Here is the text of this speech and the text of an interview with him by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! regarding the incident The Silencing of Dissent on Graduation Day. Finally, here is an interview with Hedges from TomPaine.com: An Interview With Author Chris Hedges. (POSTED: February 8, 2004)
[Seeing through the lie:] Using Freuds division, Hedges sees two impulses at tension: Eros, that propels us to become close to others, to preserve and conserve, and the Thanatos, or death instinct, the impulse that works towards the annihilation of all living things, including ourselves.If Eros was the overriding impulse of the culture following the Vietnam War, he believes Thanatos has taken over. We have lost our revulsion to war and now celebrate it.

[Democracy Now!:] You know, as I looked out on the crowd, that is exactly what my book is about. It is about the suspension of individual conscience, and probably consciousness, for the contagion of the crowd for that euphoria that comes with patriotism. The tragedy is that and I've seen it in conflict after conflict or society after society that plunges into war with that kind of rabid nationalism comes racism and intolerance and a dehumanization of the other. And it's an emotional response. People find a kind of ecstasy, a kind of belonging, a kind of obliteration of their alienation in that patriotic fervor that always does come in war time. As I gave my talk and I looked out on the crowd, I was essentially witnessing things that I had witnessed in the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina or in squares in Belgrade or anywhere else. Crowds, especially crowds that become hunting packs are very frightening. People chanted the kind of cliches and aphorisms and jingoes that are handed to you by the state... I've seen it in effect and take over countries. But of course, it breaks my heart when I see it in my country.
Marco Chiesa of the British Psychoanalytic Society has written a Kleinian analysis of why those of us in the West were so profoundly affected by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and so unmoved by the hundreds of thousands who died in Iraq under sanctions: Terrorism: Psycho-political observations on shock and indifference. See also the contribution of M. Fakhry Davids: 11 September 2001: Some thoughts on racism and religious prejudice as an obstacle. (POSTED: February 7, 2004)
[Chiesa:] When indifference is the main reaction to a catastrophe occurring to people who do not share our culture and race, and who do not belong to our political sphere of influence, I suggest that the differences felt between them and us are magnified to a point where these people become so alien that they tend to disappear altogether as human entities from our consciousness.

[Davids:] Psychoanalysis clearly has many vital contributions to make to the debate surrounding the current crisis.... However, the effectiveness of these contributions is constrained by the current racialised context in which they are formulated and presented, and in my opinion this has to be taken into account, much in the way that we take into account the atmosphere in a session, for at least two reasons.
Katherine van Wormer, Professor of Social Work at the University of Northern Iowa and co-author of 'Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective', argues that Bush can be understood as a "dry drunk": More Evidence that Bush Is a "Dry Drunk"?. (PUBLISHED and POSTED: January 27, 2004)

US troops suffer serious psychiatric problems associated with chronic stress: Stress epidemic strikes American forces in Iraq: The war's over, but the suicide rate is high and the army is riddled with acute psychiatric problems.. (PUBLISHED and POSTED: January , 2004)
Up to one in five of the American military personnel in Iraq will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, say senior forces' medical staff dealing with the psychiatric fallout of the war. This revelation follows the disclosure last month that more than 600 US servicemen and women have been evacuated from the country for psychiatric reasons since the conflict started last March.

"In comparison with the combat phase, what we are now seeing are conditions of chronic stress which the troops are experiencing every day. It is a combination of danger, boredom and sleep deprivation, and the knowledge that they are a long way from home," said Berg. "In addition people are no longer sure when or what the end will be. No one knows when they will be going home. They are also working in an environment where the people they came to help are very hostile...."

The psychiatrists have seen symptoms ranging from disturbed sleep, heart palpitations, nausea and diarrhoea to more obvious behavioural problems, such as forgetful-ness, aggression, irrational anger and feelings of alienation. From the present period of chronic stress to the personnel, the doctors are expecting symptoms of depression and generalised anxiety to develop....

At least 22 US soldiers have killed themselves - a rate considered abnormally high - mostly since President George Bush declared an end to major combat on 1 May last year....

The military psychiatrists are puzzled by the suicide rate in Iraq, saying that it makes little sense in comparison with those in past conflicts. The accepted wisdom in military psychiatry is that the level of suicides - far from increasing during wars - drops as the survival instinct kicks in among the personnel in the conflict zone.
Sociologist Thomas J. Scheff has spent a career exploring, from a microsociological perspective, many of the phenomenon of interest to psychoanalysts, including a detailed examination of the role of shame and rage as causes of war. His web site has many goodies worth examining. See, for example Male Emotions/Relationships and Violence: A Theory of Humiliated Fury or Emotion, alienation, and narratives: resolving intractable conflict (Suzanne Retzinger and Thomas Scheff). For psychoanalysts, his Review of Freudian Repression: Conversation Creating the Unconscious, by Michael Billig is very interesting in its discussion of repression from a sociological perspective. (POSTED: January 20, 2004)

A couple more interviews with linguist George Lakoff about the political relevance of his concept of "frames": Inside the Frame and Framing the issues: UC Berkeley professor George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics. And Lakoff analyzes the State of the Union address: The Hidden State of the Union. (POSTED: January 20, 2004)

M Shahid Alam, professor of economics at Northeastern University, analyzes: The Semantics of Empire. (PUBLISHED and POSTED: January 17, 2004)
It would appear that the indictment of Saddam gathers power, conviction, irrefutability, by adding the possessive, proprietary, emphatic "own" to the people tortured, gassed or killed. What does the grammar of accusations say about the metrics of American values?
In the colonial era, racism inoculated people against feeling empathy toward those other people in the periphery. Those other people were children, barbarians, savages, if not worse.
Richard Goldstein of the Village Voice views Dean's success as do to his image of being a real man, countering the perceived threats to their masculinity experienced by white men: Sex and the Democrats. (POSTED: January 12, 2004)

The cost of being human. Soldier was charged with cowardice for suffering trauma at witnessing a dead Iraqi soldier: US sergeant branded a coward mounts furious fightback. (PUBLISHED and POSTED: January 12, 2004)

The Chief of Iraq's only mental hospital expresses concerns about the mental health of many Iraqis: For Iraq's emotionally fragile, future is bleak. (PUBLISHED January 7 and POSTED: January 8, 2004)

Liberal Talk show host Thom Hartmann describes the Republicans "psychological warfare" on white working men, to convince them that their problems are due to castrating women, not the insecurity created by ant-worker policies. This piece complements those of sociologist Arlie Hochschild, [see below]: Conservatives Target Testicles. (PUBLISHED and POSTED: December 20, 2003)
Rush Limbaugh just declared psychological war on the working white males of America, although most of them probably didn't realize it. This week Limbaugh rolled out a "funny" faux advertisement for the "Hillary Clinton Testicle Lock Box" that now any woman can use to clamp down on men's testicles just like Hillary does.... It's part of a sophisticated psychological operations program by conservatives that explicitly targets working men in America, and dates back to research first done for Richard Nixon.
Renana Brooks continues her dissection of the psychological basis of Bush's popularity: The Character Myth: To Counter Bush, the Democrats Must Present a Different Version of a Safe World. She argues that only an alternative world view, of safety and security based on collaboration can defeat Bush: (POSTED: December 12, 2003)
Bush's leadership style and use of language essentially have created cognitive dissonance in the electorate. The more that Americans observe the Bush presidency pushing policies they do not support, and would normally question, the more they confront the choice of whether to oppose him actively or rationalize away their discomfort. Many Americans have chosen the latter because the President has convinced them that the situation is desperate and that only he can handle the continuing crisis. The more they depend upon Bush, the more they rationalize away any objections they may have to his specific ideas and policies.

The current President, however, uses the word "I" far more often than the word "we," and usually refers only to the United States, or himself and his party, not the entire world community, when he says "we." This President also tends to undercut his words of inspiration with references to dangers that loom and threaten, hovering vaguely outside our immediate sphere of control. Even as Bush promises action, he fosters a sense of chaos and danger.
Jonathan Rowe also analyzes political speech, but he argues for a strength in progressive speech: Don't Talk Like a Twit. (POSTED: December 12, 2003)

In a new book, psychoanalyst Robert Jay Lifton discusses America's Superpower Syndrome: America's Apocalyptic Confrontation with the World. In his web column, Tom Engelhard presents a short piece from the Nation by Lifton, American Apocalypse summarizing some of his themes: Tomgram: Robert Jay Lifton on superpower syndrome. (PUBLISHED and POSTED: December 8, 2003)
Stepping off the superpower treadmill would also enable us to cease being a nation ruled by fear. Renouncing omnipotence would make our leaders themselves less fearful of weakness, and diminish their inclination to instill fear in their people as a means of enlisting them for illusory military efforts at world hegemony. Without the need for invulnerability, everyone would have much less to be afraid of.
A new report by the group Medact (the British affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) ) - winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985) suggests that the health effects of the Iraq war are greater than previously reported and that "while the health and environmental consequences of the conflict will be felt for many years to come." Continuing Collateral Damage: The health and environmental costs of war on Iraq. Of special interest to PPJ are three Working Papers, especially #3: Working Paper 1 "Highlights and explains the contrast beween the widespread use of precision weapons and the high number of incidents involving civilian deaths and friendly fire." And Working Paper 2 "Looks at the questionable legality of inhumane weapons used during the conflict and explains their impact on health. " Working Paper 3 Mental well-being in Iraq six months after the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. [See also the BBC report: Iraq 'faces severe health crisis'.] (PUBLISHED and POSTED: November 11, 2003)

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild applies the thinking of George Lakoff and Norman Mailer to examine the question, why would blue-collar workers support George Bush? Let Them Eat War. See also the interview with Arlie Hochschild on this issue by BuzzFlash. (POSTED: October 7 & December 20, 2003)

Another thought-provoking piece by linguist George Lakoff analyzing the language of political discourse: Framing a Democratic Agenda and Lakoff's comments on the Arnold Schwartzenegger victory in California: The Frame Around Arnold. See also the Rockridge Institute which builds on Lakoff's work to: "Reframe the terms of political debate to make a progressive moral vision more persuasive and influential." (POSTED: September 28 & October 14, 2003)

For what its worth, here is a psychological analysis from the Guardian (UK) of President George W. Bush: So George, how do you feel about your mom and dad? Psychologist Oliver James analyses the behaviour of the American president . Of course, one should take all such products with a grain of salt. (PUBLISHED and POSTED: September 2, 2003)

Conservatives are in an uproar about a research paper just published in the Psychological Bulletin entitled Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition by John T. Jost, Jack Glaser, Arie W. Kruglanski, & Frank J. Sulloway (See also a Critique by Jeff Greenberg & Eva Jonas and a Response by the authors). For the controversy, see the article Conservative psychosis by George Will and an article on the controversy by Julian Borger in the Guardian (UK) Study of Bush's Psyche Touches a Nerve. (POSTED: August 13, 2003)
[From the original paper:] The core ideology of conservatism stresses resistance to change and justification of inequality and is motivated by needs that vary situationally and dispositionally to manage uncertainty and threat.
James Carrol, the Boston Globe's resident columnist/moralist discusses the American thirst for revenge, as well as our denial of it, as motivators for the Iraq war, and other horrors: America's habit of revenge (PUBLISHED and POSTED: August 5, 2003)

The The Institute for Psychohistory has several interesting papers by Lloyd deMause available online The Gulf War as a Mental Disorder (on the first Gulf War) and War as Righteous Rape and Purification. (POSTED: August 2, 2003)

George Monbiot, columnist for the Guardian, dissects the warrior America, and its blindness to reality, based on a religious conception of America. America is a religion: US leaders now see themselves as priests of a divine mission to rid the world of its demons (PUBLISHED and POSTED: July 29, 2003)

In the aftermath of 9/11, Canadian Timothy J.F. Lash wrote a still relevant piece on the Medical Aspects of Canada's Response to Terrorism (pdf). Much of the piece focuses on the need to apply psychological knowledge to understand issues of grief, fundamentalism, terrorism, etc. (PUBLISHED September 26, 2001 and POSTED: July 13, 2003)
In addition to grieving for lost lives, and individual injury, many in North America have a wounded national self-image. So many have said "the world will never be the same". Actually the world is little different from before. It is North Americans' sense of our place in the world that has been shocked. It is our inescapable vulnerability to what others think of us that needs consideration.
James Carroll, as usual, has a very perceptive comment on the moral dimensions, or lack thereof, of President Bush as he responds to the current situation: Bush's war against evil (PUBLISHED and POSTED: July 8, 2003)
To address concerns about the savage violence engulfing "postwar" Iraq with a cocksure "Bring `em on!" as he did last week, is to display an absence of imagination shocking in a man of such authority. It showed a lack of capacity to identify either with enraged Iraqis who must rise to such a taunt or with young GIs who must now answer for it. Even in relationship to his own soldiers, there is nothing at the core of this man but visceral meanness.


No human being with a minimal self-knowledge could speak of evil as he [President Bush] does, but there is no self-knowledge without a self. Even this short "distance of history" shows George W. Bush to be, in that sense, the selfless president, which is not a compliment. It's a warning.
Ben Tripp analyzes American's indifference to the missing WMD in terms of the cognitive dissonance caused by the distance between the American fantasy (ideal) and the current reality. They Just Don't Want to Know: Of Dissidents and Dissonance (PUBLISHED June 14 and POSTED: June 21, 2003)
America invaded another nation, unscrewed its head and took a giant dump down its neck--unprovoked. Confronted with the singularly un-American nature of this exploit, our leaders responded by claiming we had to do it-- because this enemy nation was aiming a vast artillery of deadly weapons designed especially to kill blonde people at us. I don't think all that many people really believed it, not really really. But they went along with it, because to confront the real reasons for such aimless aggression would be too horrible for their fragile worldviews and patriotic self-images to bear. When the 'WMD' bit turned out not to be true, the rationale switched to exporting American Democracy by force. Which is an oxymoron, a common symptom of cognitive dissonance.

The beauty part of cognitive dissonance is the worse it gets, the more people throw up [their hands] and say "who cares?" In this way such public works projects as genocide and empire-building can be accomplished, because people refuse to care. It's too damn demanding, too scary, and too damaging to that ever-threatened bird called Self Esteem.
George Lakoff's linguistic analysis of the metaphors used to justify the first Gulf War:
Metaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf

Guardian (UK) article on a personality analysis of Saddam Hussein by Jerrold Post, former CIA psychiatrist.

New Yorker article on Jerrold Post's analysis.

Robert M. Young's paper Psychoanalysis, Terrorism, and Fundamentalism

Civilization's Obscene Ghost , from the Los Angeles Times (April 6, 2003) by Peter Brooks discusses the current Iraq war in the light of Freud's observtions on the first World War in "Thoughts for the Times on War and Death" .

Wallace Shawn in The Nation states the obvious -- that the hawks are possessed by the opportunity to express their internal violence: Fragments From a Diary (POSTED: April 23, 2003)
Why are we being so ridiculously polite? It's as if there were some sort of gentlemen's agreement that prevents people from stating the obvious truth that Bush and his colleagues are exhilarated and thrilled by the thought of war, by the thought of the incredible power they will have over so many other people, by the thought of the immensity of what they will do, by the scale, the massiveness of the bombing they're planning, the violence, the killing, the blood, the deaths, the horror.

The love of killing is inside each one of us, and we can never be sure that it won't come out. We have to be grateful if it doesn't come out. In fact, it is utterly wrong for me to imagine that Bush is violent and I am not, that Bush is cruel and I am not. I am potentially just as much of a killer as he is, and I need the help of all the sages and poets and musicians and saints to guide me onto a better path, and I can only hope that the circumstances of my life will continue to be ones that help me to stay on that path. But we can't deny that Bush and his men, for whatever reason, are under the sway of the less peaceful side of their natures.
While one may not agree with his entire argument, Anis Shivani poses interesting questions crying out for psychoanalytic explanation; Is America Becoming Fascist? (PUBLISHED and POSTED: April 28, 2003)

Norman Mailer: We went to war just to boost the white male ego (PUBLISHED and POSTED: April 29, 2003)

A comment on the paternalistic ideology behind the occupation of Iraq, by Ira Chernus Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Ideology is Key to Corporate Imperialism in Iraq (PUBLISHED and POSTED: May 9, 2003 )

Renana Brooks, a clinical psychologist and Director of Sommet Institute for the Study of Power and Persuasion has a linguistic analysis of A Nation of Victims: The Hidden Costs of President Bushs Successful State of the Union Address[An updated version was published in the June 30, 2003 issue of the Nation] (POSTED: June 17, 2003)
Bushs language, based on a good versus evil world-view, has strong appeal because it meets peoples emotional needs. It creates an impression that complicated problems are easily addressed by quite elemental steps that only Bush has the power to put in place....

Like a magician distracting his audience from the slight of hand, the abusive personality first uses empty languageto distract the listener broad statements that are so abstract they mean little and are virtually impossible to oppose.... in the State of the Union speech, I found 39 instances of such impossible-to-disagree-with statements....

[Empty language] makes the listener ready for the second technique involved in abusive technique, using language to create a core negative framework. Bush is a master at developing negative frameworks.... Bush uses this negative framework with its underlying pessimism as a political and linguistic technique. Bush consistently opts to describe the existing situation as a crisis and as a future and ongoing problem rather than a past or present one.... Bush then utilizes abstract passive construction to build up the bogeyman- a terrible force outside our control that is threatening our survival -- threats that are beyond any specific solution problems that are totally overwhelming.... Bushs language is designed to create fear, to disable people from feeling they have the ability to solve their problems, to depend on Bush.
Boston Globe collumnist James Caroll regularly searches for the psychological roots of our current situation in his columns. Here is is speculation on the role of millennial fear: Millennial war (POSTED: June 17, 2003)

Other Perspectives

Neuroscience has also discovered nonconscious processing. Here is a neuroscience perspective on political thinking by Matthew D. Lieberman of UCLA, where he has a Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory: Is political cognition like riding a bicycle? How cognitive neuroscience can inform research on political thinking (POSTED: October 17, 2003)

Other Relevant Resources

My set of Psychoanalytic Resources Online and my Resources for the Study of Violence. (POSTED: June 17, 2003)

Here is the classic Einstein-Freud Correspondence (1931-1932) Why War? (POSTED: May 27, 2003 & new link: February 3, 2004)

Human Relations, Authority and Justice , an e-journal and web site attempting "to bring psychoanalytic and related psychodynamic approaches to bear on group, institutional, cultural and political processes." Edited by Dr Toma Tomov, Professor of Psychiatry, Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, Dr Robert M. Young, Professor of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Sheffield, England.

Peter H. Wolff comments on Why psychoanalysis is still interesting? touching upon its potential subversive political content. (POSTED: June 10, 2003)
A brief survey of contemporary papers, keynote addresses and panels presented at official psychoanalytic congresses, suggests that the politically subversive implications of psychoanalysis are now judged to be out of date and irrelevant, socially inappropriate, or divisive and therefore best forgotten. Yet, I believe that, given the far reaching theoretical and clinical consequences of today's sanitized psychoanalysis, many of the questions once raised by the Freudian Left are even more pertinent today....

Does the claim of neutrality cover up the reactionary intent of clinical practice to explain away the social basis of human miseries by reducing them to "intrapsychic conflicts" and discouraging dissent?

Related Journals

Robert M. Young (UK) & Toma Tomov (Bulgaria) edit an online journal devoted to "bring(ing) psychoanalytic and related psychodynamic approaches to bear on group, institutional, cultural and political processes." Human Relations, Authority, and Justice: Experiences and Critiques (POSTED: )

JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (POSTED: June 17, 2003)
JPCS is the official publication of the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, an international and interdisciplinary organization. The journal publishes articles, reviews, field notes, international notes, and letters to the editor that employ psychoanalysis to address the psychological roots or consequences of social and cultural phenomena in such a way as to enhance the possibilities for social change.
Radical Psychology, the online journal of the RadPsychNet

Related Organizations

PsyACT: Psychologists Acting with Conscience Together is a new group whose initial efforts are focusing on using psychological knowledge to address poverty. (POSTED: September 17, 2003)
The main rationale for this coalition is to create synergy amongst various groups and individuals to take effective action together. Our assumption is that together we can be more effective than separately. Although there are various groups of psychologists concerned with social justice in a variety of formal and informal organizations, there is no effective voice that unites these psychologists and others at a global scale.
Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (POSTED: June 17, 2003)
If we are to begin to solve our most serious social problems, we must understand their psychological roots. Many of these problems, including violence, drug abuse, irresponsible sexuality, and intolerance in its various forms, will be extremely difficult if not impossible to solve unless we address the psychological roots that are the immediate causes of these destructive behaviors.
A UK based group: Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility (POSTED: August 2, 2003)

Psychologists for Social Responsibility is a group of psychologists who use "psychological knowledge and skills to promote peace with social justice at the community, national, and international levels."

Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Division 48 (Peace Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.

Physicians for Social Responsibility, winner of the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize, "is a leading public policy organization with 24,000 members representing the medical and public health professions and concerned citizens, working together for nuclear disarmament, a healthful environment, and an end to the epidemic of gun violence."

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) "is an international group of over 3500 psychologists, allied scientists, students, and others who share a common interest in research on the psychological aspects of important social issues. In various ways, the Society seeks to bring theory and practice into focus on human problems of the group, the community, and nations, as well as the increasingly important problems that have no national boundaries."

RadPsychNet is an organization of over 300 members word-wide dedicated to using psychological knowledge to "help create a society better able to meet human needs and bring about social justice." "Psychology" appears to be very broadly defined and a number of their members appear to be psychoanalytically-oriented. They have a free web journal: Radical Psychology. Membership is free.

Site developed by Stephen Soldz

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Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
1581 Beacon St.
Brookline, MA 02446

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