

European IPPNW Anti-Nuclear Congress in Berlin

First Announcement:

IPPNW Germany is planning a big IPPNW European Congress on the issue of "Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons in an Unstable World", to be held in Berlin from May 7th to 9th 2004. We expect around 800 participants to this Congress which aims to discuss the dangers posed by the civilian and military uses of nuclear energy, who is behind the scenes promoting its use and why, as well as offering solutions to the problem and exit ideas.

International speakers and experts from the media, politics, science and activist groups will cover a range of topics including:

New US nuclear weapons, nuclear testing, the Russian nuclear economy, wars about energy resources, the effects of Chernobyl and the Sarcopharg, local resistance, the nuclear energy „consensus" in Germany, nuclear history, the manipulation of data and obstruction of scientific research, childhood cancer and nuclear power plants, uranium weapons, press independence, dependence and influence, globalisation, opposition through shares, nuclear energy in space, Eastern Europe and nuclear power, the plutonium economy, alternative energy, disaster protection, the proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology and much more.

Want more information? Click on www.atomkongress.de and go to the English version.

The speakers that have confirmed up till now are as follows:

Swetlana Alexijewitsch, Writer, Belarus
John Burroughs, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, USA
Claus Biegert, Nuclear Free Future Award
Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation, USA
Helen Caldicott, Nuclear Policy Research Institute, USA
Hans-Peter Dürr, Global Challenges Network
Helga Dieckmann, IPPNW Germany
Wolfgang Ehmke, BI-Lüchow-Dannenberg, Germany
Xanthe Hall, IPPNW Germany
Jan Haverkamp, Greenpeace, Czech Republic
Walter Jungbauer, Friends of the Earth, Germany
Edmund Lengfelder, Otto Hug Strahleninstitut / IPPNW
Bernard Lown, Co-Founder of IPPNW, USA
Susanne Ochse, Greenpeace
Henrik Paulitz, IPPNW Germany
Sebastian Pflugbeil, Society for Radiological Protection / IPPNW Germany
Lydia Popova, Socio-Ecological Union, Russland
Hermann Scheer, President of EUROSOLAR
Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake, Society for Radiological Protection
Jochen Stay, X-tausendmal quer
Rainer Stephan, IPPNW Germany
Reinhold Thiel, IPPNW Germany
Jakob v. Uexküll, Founder of the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize, Sweden
Konstantin Wecker, Songwriter


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