
An Old Vets Opinion Bush and the Torturing of Iraq's Children

The US Purpose of Torture and Bestial Crimes Against Muslims
A Comment by Larry Ross July 22, 2004

How do you explain the indefinite imprisonment of children, and sodomizing them, in Abu Ghraib prison in Bagdad?
Is that the way to "the hearts and minds" of those Bush wants to help; the way to introduce "freedom and democracy" to the oppressed victims of Saddam Hussein.? No?
There may be an overall Bush-neocom purpose in continuing the long litany of tortures, and taking their unlimited bestiality to new extrmes.

  1. They can be sure it will provoke Muslim rage, resistance and a flourishing recruitment base for al-Qaeda.
  2. The continuing and escalating US use of torture, will almost guarantee some kind of terrorist attack on the US. This has repeatedly been predicted by Homeland Security, the FBI and others. Ashcroft is using it as a possible excuse for postponing the US elections in November 2004. If the polls show Bush is lagging behind Kerry, a phoney 'red-alert' terrorst attack (or a real one) may be invoked to indefinitely postpone the elections.
  3. Overall US/Israeli strategy for the Middle East seems to be to provoke a widespread state of war - a war on Islam - in which the US/Israeli axis will emerge to control the future destiny of the Middle East Countries.
  4. The US and Israel, backed by Britain, control an overwhelming military superiority and nuclear strike force which could atomize the Middle East.
  5. They have already demonstrated an extensive criminality and an 'end-of-the-world' threat to use nuclear weapons if their aggresion was resisted with any weapon they chose to define as a WMD.
  6. In spite of these outrages and threats to civilization, most of the public has passively accepted them. This is mainly due to extensive corporate media support and their general suppression of the truth. PR and Psywar departments define 'the truth' for Americans and present an acceptable picture. Adoph Hitler taught "the bigger the lie the more people will believe it". Quite a few Americans are fighting this, like Micael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11, but the phenonemon is still depressingly true for many otherwise intelligent Americans.
    Our WAR CRIMES TRIAL OF BUSH, BLAIR AND HOWARD on Aug 7, from 12 to l in Victoria Square Christchurch, is increasingly appropriate and timely, considering the following torure revelations.


An Old Vets Opinion: Bush and the Torturing of Iraq’s Children

“…some men in order to present the supposed intentions of their adversaries
have committed the most enormous cruelties…”
Clearchus, a Spartan General, 500 B.C.

By: Jack Dalton, ICH, July 21, 2004

It appears that the torturing of Iraq’s children is now a part of the Bush cabals “policy” of “bringing democracy, liberation and freedom” to the Iraqi people. This goes way past just simply outrageous.

Of the 535 members of congress, only one member has a child in Iraq, or in uniform for that matter. Not one within the executive branch can make any claim as not one of their children is in uniform, let alone in Iraq.

These are the people sending your sons and daughters off to kill and be killed in this Bush murderous mis-adventure in Iraq.

Perpetual war for perpetual peace. In the meantime the dead grow in numbers like some kind of obscene monument basking in the self-righteousness of Bush and his group of Mayberry Machiavelli’s, which now includes the torturing of children.

The horrific reports of torture, rape and murder at Abu Gharib, as well as the other prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan, are disappearing from U.S. media while not one word has been “reported” by them on the torture of children at the hands of U.S. personnel. So much for keeping the public informed.

For over a week I’ve been reading reports from multiple sources, the International Red Cross, UNICEF, Amnesty International about the young kids being held by the U.S. and the torture of them that has been caught on tape; but still not word in the U.S. media.

The reports are in the hands of our congress, but still not one word in corporate media, nor from congress. What ever happened to the right of the public to be kept informed?

Seymore Hersh, a reporter for the New Yorker magazine has yet to release the videos in his possession of the torturing of these children, but as he said, he is not done reporting on this yet…more to come. Screams of young boys being sodomized by U.S. personnel at the U.S “detention” centers.

What has happened to the soul of this nation that it can and will allow this kind of thing to happen and at the same time still support those that created the situation and environment that sanctions the rape and torture of children??? Is this a part of the American “values” we keep being told about by Bush and those that support him?

So much for “Christian American values.” It’s our actions that are hated with such passion not our “freedoms.”

It behooves me to understand how the torturing of children is making America safer from those we are told “hate our freedoms.” Good grief people, the lunatics are in charge of the asylum!

How can anyone continue to support this? You cannot separate support for Bush from events like this, doesn’t anyone understand this? Continued support for him is continued support for what is being done including the rape and torture of children.

I no not know what country I now in reside as it is not the country I served in uniform and war, nor is it the country I grew up learning about and believing in during the 40’s and 50’s.

This country pontificates and pats itself on the back about being a nation of law, compassion, truth, justice and that believes in God. It does this while being eye-ball deep in the commission of war crimes. If the torturing of children does not fit the definition of war crimes, nothing does!

There is no justification for the torturing of children for any reason, under any circumstances by anyone anytime, ever…period, end of story!

Due to and because of this, I accuse George W. Bush and his entire executive cohorts of:
Crimes against humanity;
Abuse of Power and office;
And War Crimes
Each and every one of them, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al, should be tried for what they are…War Criminals!

While children are being tortured in Iraq, the headline story on CNN is about the torturing of chickens by KFC suppliers. What has happened to this country’s priorities? Where is its conscience and soul?

Copyright: Jack Dalton. Jack_Dalton@ommp.org


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