by Carol Wolman, May 28, 2004

The times of ignorance are long past. The Nuremberg Trials were held 60 years ago, and mass murderers were declared war criminals and hanged.

An international citizens' tribunal comprised of distinguished law professors from around the world has recently declared Bush guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan, especially for the dispersion of depleted uranium.

Click here to cast your vote in the referendum to Impeach Bush Now!

Iraq was invaded on false pretenses.

Thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed and thousands more subjected to sexual and sensory tortures that violated the Geneva Conventions.

Click here to cast your vote in the referendum to Impeach Bush Now!

Favored contractors like Halliburton and Carlyle have gotten sweetheart contracts in Iraq and stolen billions from the American people, and still have failed to restore the Iraqi infrastructure.

The preliminary findings of the 9-11 Commission: Bush was negligent in failing to prevent 9-11.

Then there is lying to Congress about the cost of Medicare, allowing the outing of Valerie Plame, and numerous other high crimes and misdemeanors, committed either by Bush himself or his subordinates, acting on his orders. Surely the day has come to "judge the world with justice".

Click here to cast your vote in the referendum to Impeach Bush Now!

The world is looking at America to see how the people are reacting to the revelations about Iraqi prison abuse. Let us show our repentance to the Iraqis and the rest of the world by assigning blame where it is due, and bringing the true perpetrators to justice. If we the people do not utterly repudiate this entire administration, we will all be harshly judged. The president MUST be impeached, or judgment will be visited upon us all.

Judging the president for high crimes and misdemeanors does NOT take place via the electoral process. It takes place in Congress. The House brings impeachment proceedings against the president, and the Senate then holds a trial to determine whether he is guilty as charged.

Proceedings were brought against Nixon, who resigned rather than face an impeachment trial. Clinton actually was impeached, meaning formally accused of a crime by the House, but the Senate acquitted him.

So far, no impeachment proceedings have been brought against Bush, whose crimes surely outweigh either Nixon's or Clinton's. But now, with the graphic pornography from Abu Ghraib, and the gathering evidence that Bush was informed in January of abuses and did nothing, and that he was warned by White House lawyers two years ago that he risked being charged with war crimes and still allowed the abuses to proceed, with all this and more, the buck is hovering over the desk of the president at last.

Click here to cast your vote in the referendum to Impeach Bush Now!

The time is ripe for impeachment. Everyone says that the House leadership would never allow it, but some House Republicans are very unhappy with Bush. Once a grassroots movement for impeachment gets going, they will find it hard to ignore.

An impeachment movement would greatly hinder the Bush campaign, and make it far less likely that he could steal the presidency again. It would also show the world that the American people will not tolerate this behavior on the part of its government.

Nothing less than impeachment will do.

Click here to cast your vote in the referendum to Impeach Bush Now!

Call your representative and demand impeachment. Let us seize the day!

In the name of the God of justice, Carol Wolman

God has overlooked the times of ignorance,
but now he demands that all people everywhere repent
because he has established a day on which he will
'judge the world with justice'
through a man he has appointed.
Acts 17: 30-31


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