

Comment by Larry Ross, December 24, 2004

Professor Boyle is a very informed and perceptive analyst of International Affairs who was educated as a neo-conservative and knows how they think. He shows why, with their twisted ideology, “today’s Neocons are committing war crimes abroad while building a police state at home.” It gives in-depth information which helps predict what, and how far, the Neocon Administration will go.

The following analysis is a result of my extensive research, much of which is on this web site under various headings. I’ve tried to be objective and base my analysis of Bush and his administration and its direction, on fact.

If given evidence to the contrary, I’d welcome the opportunity to change my views. Others have reached conclusions similar to my own. The implications may seem too terrible and outrageous to be believed. But if it encourages people to take action, or do their own research, then it is justified.

The Bush Administration is an alliance between neocons, Christian Fundamentalists and Christian Zionists, the military/industrial complex, corporatism, and the American Right. They are very rich and powerful. Many right wing Christians are dedicated and tithe themselves to promote their beliefs. Bush is a Christian Fundamentalist as Reagan was. Both men embraced an ideology which allows them to believe they are agents of God engaged is a battle against evil which may lead to the Fundamentalist’s Armageddon. They believe wrongly, that this was God’s promise in the Bible..

Whatever Bush does, whether inventing false excuses for war, or other crimes, can be portrayed as having heavenly sanction, and imposing God’s will upon an evil world. Enough Americans will say Amen and believe him. Others will go along because their job, income and status depend on their acquiescence to Bush. Some are too involved in other things to know, or too apathetic to care. Many just suspend judgement, deny unpleasant facts, and go with the flow wherever it may lead.

With Reagan it was the Soviet “evil empire”. With Bush it is “an axis of evil”.

During a nuclear Armageddon, they believe that they, and other Fundamentalist believers, will be raptured to heaven while unbelievers (the rest of us) endure the fires of hell. They claim to worship a loving God who created man in his image. But they

really believe in a very vengeful God who is a figment of their tortured imaginations, who sanctions and deifies their pathological war criminal actions. It is a similar mentality to that of the medieval Inquisition that burned unbelieving people alive in order to save their souls.

The USSR capitulated causing an end to the cold war. Reagan became senile before he could do any more damage. But there was no “peace dividend”. The Pentagon and the military/industrial complex, as warned about by President Eisenhower in 1960 but largely forgotten, were desperate for new enemies, in order to justify continuing the bloated arms industry and Pentagon. The “terrorist threat” was greatly magnified to fill the bill. The 9/11 attacks were used by Bush to consolidate his power and justify his deceitful wars. This in turn was used to justify an increased defence budget, a galloping military/industrial complex, an increasing suppression of civil liberties and persecution of opponents.

Bush is using his “war on terrorism” and inviting (or arranging?) acts of retaliation to justify going all the way to nuclear Armageddon. To facilitate a transition to unilateral nuclear annihilation, Bush has lowered the nuclear threshold. Nuclear weapons may now be used pre-emptively as is decided by the chief executive and his advisors – which means the Pentagon and Bush’s neocon administration. It is vitally necessary to them that a US police state be created ‘to protect US freedoms’ they claim. However the real purpose is to suppress US dissent and deal with domestic opposition. Some domestic resistance may occur, as Americans begin to grasp the horrendous truth of what Bush is, his crimes, and what he intends to do.

R.I.S.E. Audio Programs : Ronald Reagan: A War Criminal's Legacy

· Release Date: 12/21/2004


About This Product:

R.I.S.E. - Radio Internet Story Exchange - A public affairs program helping you to ask questions, find answers, and distinguish the truth from the lie. Ronald Reagan: A War Criminal's Legacy 58:00; 3 tracks. Aug. '04. This is a long interview with Prof. Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois School of Law at Urbana-Champaign. Boyle deconstructs the myth of Reagan as the man who brought down the Soviet Union. Boyle also details Reagan's war crimes, and how many of yesterday's Reaganites are today's neocons, who are committing war crimes abroad and building a police state at home. Boyle analyzes the Reaganite/Neocon mind from a unique perspective: a progressive who was educated to be a neocon. He knows what makes them tick.


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