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Nuclear-Free Peacemaker New Zealand

from Laurie Ross, daughter of Larry Ross, June 02, 2004

Dear Friends - I thought you may share my concern.
If you support Nuclear Free New Zealand then please take a look at this website.
It is vital that New Zealand maintains its Nuclear Freedom and does not give in to US pressure or Don Brash and the National Party. New Zealand acts as a beacon of hope and sanity in the world by being brave enough to stand for an end to nuclear proliferation. We do not want nuclear weapons or nuclear power in this country. NZ must continue to hold this position in order to help the whole world because we could all be destroyed by nuclear weapons.

Nor do we want US ships bearing conventional bombs to visit us. Not only does it put us at risk of being a target but it means we would be increasing our reliance and support for the militaristic approach to international relationships. New Zealand does not need to accept US warships in order to be a friend. We are a better friend to the US and the rest of the world by maintaining an anti-war stand. Let us continue to invest our precious resources in the development of services that help prevent war and to assist victims of war and oppression. In this way we will truly aid our friends and not make enemies. Let us stand proudly in our role as a genuine peacemaker nation.

PLEASE consider writing your MP or local newspaper to convey your support for keeping NZ nuclear free.
Also, if you are interested in further discussion, meetings or action in Christchurch or Auckland do ring me -Laurie on 09 811 8696

For the history and development of the NZ NFPA and for a wealth of information and insight relating to the human struggle for truth and freedom from nuclear weapons of mass destruction please checkout the website. See the latest letters, articles, etc.


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